CODE2 Press Release – Industrial CHP is key in reaching Irish climate and energy targets
6 June 2013
National energy stakeholders, looking for energy efficiency improvements, identify key elements for a successful Irish Cogeneration Roadmap
A workshop organised today in Dublin during the Irish Presidency of the EU and in the framework of the CODE2 project, discussed the measures that should feature in a Cogeneration Roadmap for Ireland. Industrial cogeneration emerged as a key element in reaching the national energy savings target. “My country is well on its way to implementing a cogeneration friendly framework”, MEP Seán Kelly said. “With such a policy we can kill two birds with one stone: improving the competitiveness of industries hosting cogeneration units while reducing their climate footprint. If Europe wants a way out of its economic crisis, this kind of approach should be replicated.”
Ireland’s energy challenges are exacerbated by the specific situation of being an island. The need to lower primary energy imports for industry and power, which is a major issue in Europe as a whole, is particularly acute in Ireland. Finding a way to provide industrial and commercial heat in the most effective way is one of the focus topics of the workshop.
The CODE2 project will develop National Cogeneration Roadmaps for all EU Member States that will help to further improve the policy framework, market conditions and awareness around cogeneration in each EU Member State. The aim of today’s workshop in Dublin was to provide Irish policy-makers with a practical tool to realise their country’s identified cogeneration potential and to reach its energy and climate targets. The CODE2 project is a follow-up to the CODE project that identified that Europe has the potential to double its cogeneration capacity. Through individual roadmaps the new project will offer Member States a concrete way forward and thereby significantly contribute to realising Europe’s energy efficiency potential.