COGEN Europe Press Release – Micro-CHP sector welcomes European Parliament resolution on microgeneration
16 May 2013
COGEN Europe warmly welcomes the initiative of MEP Judith Merkies to start a debate on the important but often overlooked role of microgeneration in the context of EU energy and climate goals. The draft resolution on “Microgeneration – small scale electricity and heat generation”, put forward by Ms. Merkies in late April, was debated in ITRE Committee on Monday, the 13th of May, and MEPs agreed that the issue requires more attention.
Microgeneration technologies, a family of different technologies including micro-CHP, hold potential to deliver sustainable, effective and reliable energy at the local level and to empower citizens as providers of energy. While existing European legislations, such as the Energy Efficiency Directive, does require Member States to promote micro-CHP, there is still a need for higher recognition of the benefits that this technology can bring in terms of energy savings, cost-effective emission reductions and increased security of supply. Currently, these benefits remain untapped due to a number of barriers and a lack of ambition in the implementation of existing legislation.
Dr. Fiona Riddoch, Managing Director of COGEN Europe, emphasised “The resolution on microgeneration will contribute to a better understanding of the opportunity for citizens and SMEs to reap the benefits of a more decentralised and liberalised energy market”. The European Parliament is planning to hold a vote and debate on the microgeneration resolution in October, following a vote at committee level on the 9th of July. COGEN Europe will be active in the debate on these topics in the months to come.