How-to guides and Smart CHP tool available on the website

From today on you will be able to acces via the CODE2 website the How-to guides specially targeted at SMEs, where you can see why cogenertaion is an efficient and profitable sotution and also learn how you can take proper action and have an installation at your SME (via the Smart CHP tool!)


How-to Guides


The project team will develop “How-to” guides for heat host owners in four target market sectors: food/drinks, paper, hospitals and commercial premises. These can be used by the businesses , local authorities or other professional groups interested in expanding CHP deployment. This “How-to” guide is a tool for streamlining the initial project engagement stage of a new CHP project and in formulating the business proposition for the new owner.

The four guides will provide enough information for an interested potential cogeneration operator to assess the business opportunity and risk of moving into cogeneration. Particular attention will be paid to the challenges of SMEs in the sectors addressed. The guides will be short and focused on the main issues which need to be addressed in developing the business case for CHP. The guides will be appropriate to each Member State and include:

  • The key elements to consider when developing the business case.
  • Best practice case studies showing how the elements were taken into consideration.
  • Sources of the information needed to calculate the business case including Member State support, regional and local support and sources of information.