Hospital Hubertus – Health (Germany)

Success story in a hospital where the CHP plant produces an annual average of 60% of electricity and 50% of the heat demand of the hospital. It contributes significantly to the reduction of energy costs and CO2 emissions by totally 50%.

Hotel zur Brücke – Gastronomy (Germany)hotel germany

Small hotel where a CHP plant with 15 kW of electric power was installed. After 7,270 full operation hours per year, the system payed for itself in 3.5 years.

Warsteiner Brewery – Food and beverage(Germany)

Case study of the installation of CHP in Brewery in Germany where the most important factor of the project is that the total amount of heat obtained from the combustion process can be used by the brewery, the main aim within the calculations for the cogeneration plant. To keep on reading click on the link above…!

Bio-Energie Mudau – Pellets Industry (Germany) CODE2-NE-2

In this case it was decided to use a belt dryer and a cogeneration plant based on a thermal oil boiler and Turboden ORC unit for drying the wet sawdust up to the moisture content of about 10 % required for the pellet production process. To keep on reading click on the link above…!

MDF Hallein  Panels Industry (Austria) 

Case study of a Panel Industry using biomass CHP ORC in Austria. To keep on reading click on the link above…!

Ringkøbing District heating – Lean-burn gas engine (Denmark) 

The Wärtsilä 20V-34SG generating set is situated in the Rindum plant, a substation in
Ringkøbing Fjernvarmeværk’s district heating network.To keep on reading click on the link above…!

Skagen Varmeværk – District heating (Denmark) CODE2-NE

The Skagen Varmeværk is responsible for operating district heating for the town of Skagen, the most northern town in Jutland, with 8,400 inhabitants.To keep on reading click on the link above…!

On-site CHP in a sports center – Municipal/Micro CHP (Denmark) 

Municipal sports centre. Boiler-room installation using present 500 kW boiler as backup. To keep on reading click on the link above…!