SmartCHP tool

The SmartCHP tool is one of the products that is delivered during this project. With the tool it is possible to make a pre-assessment of a CHP (CHP-range: 1kWe – 5MWe).
No rights can be derived from the results of this model.

Using SmartCHP tool on an iPad
The SmartCHPtool uses Adobe Flash, and therefore can not be viewed on the iPad without a Flash-browser. In the iOS AppStore browersapps, like Photon Browser, Puffin, Skyfire Browser and iSwifter Browser Flash, can be found that make it possible to run the tool. There may be a fee associated with using these apps.

Translation of the tool
The SmartCHP tool will become available in several European languages and is already available in English, German, Dutch, Slovenian and Spanish. If you want to translate the tool yourself, just sent a message with your request to Martin Horstink. He will instruct you how to do it and it is quick and easy.