Hospital Milan – Health (Italy)

Trigeneration plant with 1 MW absorption chiller with black-out bioemergency function to guarantee greater electrical continuous supply… get the details by clicking on the link above!

Biogas CHP for district heating (Italy)

In this case the CHP plant uses biogas coming from three different sources: landfill connected to the plant by a 3 km biogas pipeline, anaerobic digestion of organic fraction of solid urban waste and wastewater treatment plant.

Curti Costruzioni – Packaging Industry (Italy) 

A customer that decided to install a cogeneration system to reduce the cost of electricity in view of an extension of the factory. … get the details by clicking on the link above!

Casalgrande Padana  Ceramic industry (Italy)Casalgrande

Case study on a ceramic industry, get the details by clicking on the link above! … get the details by clicking on the link above!

CLAI S.C.A, Agriculture and Food (Italy)

Case study of a system producing an electrical power of 888 kWe and equipped with a Jenbacher JGS 412 engine, having an electrical efficiency of 42 %…. get the details by clicking on the link above!

Tirano Teleriscaldamento, District heating (Italy)

The cogeneration plant produces electricity and heat for the city of Tirano, with an overall efficiency of 92 %. The central heating of Tirano has a total installed capacity of 20 MW thermal, given by 3 biomass boilers… get the details by clicking on the link above!Evry

Centre Hospitalier Sud Francilien, Health (France) 

The hospital developed the project in a context of sustainability: using wood as main source of energy, energy efficiency; Reference in the HQE for tertiary building program… get the details by clicking on the link above!